Scientist. A native of New York City, New York, he studied and taught mathematics and astronomy at the Free Academy in New York, the University of Michigan, Cambridge Massachusetts, and at Pulkova, Russia. In 1868 he was named director of the Cincinnati Observatory in Ohio. While there he developed a system of telegraphic weather reports, daily weather maps and weather forecasts. At his urging Cincinnati became the meteorological observation headquarters for the United States. His project was...[Read More] (Bio by: Bigwoo)Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, District of Columbia, District Of Columbia, USAPlot: Section M, Lot 292, Range 5
Abel, Frederick Augustus b. July 7, 1827 d. September 6, 1902Scientist. He was an English military chemist who developed a process for reducing gun cotton to a pulp, thus enabling it to be worked and stored in safety. Together with Scottish physicist and ballistics expert Sir Andrew Noble, he developed new and important theories of explosives. He was one of twenty-six original students of the Royal College of Chemistry, enrolling when the institution began in 1845. In March 1852 he succeeded scientist s.canning)Nunhead Cemetery, London, Greater London, England
Abel, Niels Henrik b. August 5, 1802 d. April 6, 1829Mathematician. Born in Nedstrand, Norway, he studied at the University of Christiania (now Oslo). His body of work mainly concentrated on the solution of the Quintic Equation, the elliptic functions and the group theory. Part of his researches were published in the influential "Crelle's Journal". On Christmas 1828 he became ill during a sled journey to visit his fiancee in Froland, Norway, and some months later he died of tuberculosis at the age of 26. German mathematician August Leopold...[Read More] (Bio by: Duke)Cemetery of Froland, Froland, Norway
Abplanalp, Robert b. April 4, 1922 d. August 30, 2003Inventor, Industrialist. He turned the aerosol can into a household fixture. At the age of 27, while working as a machine shop operator, he perfected an inexpensive and reliable valve that could be mass-produced to spray perfume, insecticides and whipped cream. As an industrialist, he was an ally and confidant of President Richard M. Nixon. He lent Nixon the money to buy property in San Clemente, California...[Read More] (Bio by: Ginny M)Cause of death: CancerGate of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, Westchester County, New York, USA
Achong, Bertrand Geoffrey b. December 6, 1928 d. November 20, 1996Medical Pioneer. An expert on Electron Microscopy, he is most known for his participation in the discovery of the Epstein-Barr virus.Golders Green Crematorium, Golders Green, Greater London, England
Ackerman, Dr. Albert Bernard 'Bernie' b. November 22, 1936 d. December 5, 2008Physician, Dermatopathologist, Educator, Author. He was responsible for developing key ideas and methods for diagnosing diseases of the skin under the microscope. Dr. Ackerman, educated at Princeton, Columbia University, and Harvard University, began his career at the University of Miami, later at New York University, Philadelphia, and, finally, at the Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology in New York City. Dr. Ackerman revolutionized the field of Dermatopathology by developing the "pattern...[Read More] (Bio by: Mark Albert Hurt, MD)Cremated, Other, Ashes scattered in Central Park, NYC, near the Alice in Wonderland sclupture
Ackerman, Rudolph b. April 20, 1764 d. March 30, 1834Inventor, Publisher. In 1817 he established a print-shop in the Strand, London, England and organized a lithographic press, which produced copper lithographs. He later included the production of colors and thick carton paper for miniatures and landscape painters. He applied his press to the illustration of his "Repository of Arts, Literary and Fashion", published monthly with contributions from many eminent artists of the day. He introduced fashion to the popular literary annals of the day...[Read More] (Bio by: s.canning)Kensal Green Cemetery, Kensal Green, Greater London, EnglandPlot: 12907/112/3: the monument is to the West of the main path.
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